
Neo Noir Fantasy Role-Playing

Lions of Caliban

The Loins of Caliban are a Loyalist Chapter of an unknown founding, successor chapter to the Dark Angel legion. It counts itself as one of the honoured.

The Loins of Caliban take their name from their steeds the proverbial Lions of Caliban. Giant "Lions" originally from  Caliban saved by the Order, and now the Lions of Caliban seed feral and feudal worlds where they maintain modest fiefdoms.

In order to ride these "Lions" when a marine gains sufficient experience and courage they must find a set of twins lions. Once a set of twins is located they must remove their armour and take only their sword in an attempt to slay one of them. If they are successful they must wear the corpse of the slain lion and wait for its brother to clean the blood from him.

Most have already failed before this stage but this the most critical. The questing knight must not falter in any way, the lions can smell fear, they will feel any shaking, and they will kill without hesitation. If the Lion cleans all the blood from the knight, the lion determines that regardless of appearance this is his brother.

Their blasphemous breath (Ravenwing Twin-linked plasma guns) at their command. This is why it is important for the questing knight not only to find a pair of lions, but those that match their own temperament.

The Lions of Caliban are a fleet-based chapter, with a few feudal worlds which they rule with a lord and his knights which rule over it (A Captain and his honour guard). The Lions of Caliban are known for their use of the  Dreadwing, and their close ties to the  Inquisition. They fight with breakthrough strike tactics, always aiming to face the enemy command in open combat, with ‘lance strikes’ where the Lions commander is the tip of the spear pointed at the enemy command.

Lions of Caliban

Lions of Caliban Should Pad.png

Momento Mori




Successor of:


Successor Chapters:


Panthera Rex

Chapter Master:



Battle Barge The Immovable Order

Fortress Monastery:


Imperium of Man


Dark Green and Black with Gold Accents


Chapter History

The Lions of Caliban’s history remains shrouded in mystery. However, it is believed they have been active as early as M32, where it is recorded that void based combat was reported by Rogue Traders between space marines on the edge of Ultma Segmentium and the Segmentium Obscurious.

Battle of Davin Port (unknown date M42): The Ork Warlord Brim ‘dem Dakka was intercepting a Tyranid Hive Fleet tendril heading for Ork and T'au controlled space. The Lions intercepted a  Kroot Warsphere which had been commandeered by the Warlord, in a maneuver reminiscent of the Ironwing. Once onboard this massive megastructure their chief librarian let out a massive psychic flare which attracted the Tyranids attention. Master Panthera Rex called out over all available channels a challenge to the Ork warlord. The Ork couldn’t resist however, he didn’t expect the mount nor its ferocity, the beast more than the master defeated him. The Warlord’s boyz went to aid their commander due to ‘dems chetinz’ however once they moved so did the Knights of Order. By the time the fight was over the Tyranids were already engaging both forces on the massive Warsphere. The Knights and the Master returned to their ship. However, not without cost, many third company veterans lost their lives protecting the withdrawal. Once onboard the Lions left, leaving an empowered Tyranid fleet to fight both the Orks and the Tau. Inquisitor Kryptman was proud of their service.

Lion of Caliban Chapter Colour Scheme as displayed by a Firstborn Space Marine.

Lion of Caliban Chapter Colour Scheme as displayed by a Firstborn Space Marine.

Lions of Caliban Chapter Colour Scheme as displayed by Primaris Marine Brother

Lions of Caliban Chapter Colour Scheme as displayed by Primaris Marine Brother

Chapter Organisation

Grand-LordMaster Panthera Rex


Master Panthera Rex

The Lions of Caliban largely organise themselves along the lines of the Codex Astartes, with a few notable exceptions. Their first chapter has a separate organisation for the Master and his hand-picked knights of the table. Above them is the knights of order his honour guard and advisers, each of them have their own brother-lion as their steed. With the exception of Lord-Captain of the fourth, Malifcariam the Gentle’s and his lion every lion is in the Knights of Order. (Ravenwing but smaller and with Lions)

Knight-Apothecary Blanco Messorem

Knight-Apothecary Blanco Messorem

Additionally, they use a formation known as the Dreadwing in the first company. Using ancient weapons from the early days of the crusade to devastating effect with terminators guarding these specialised devastators squadrons.

Also their Techmarines are often coloured only in steel, often bare chested, and almost always wielding massive hammers. They call themselves the Smiths rather than Techmarines. They often whisper to the steeds of the chapter (bikes) or the beasts of burden such as the rhinos and razorbacks.

The Lions of Caliban have groups within groups in their chapters. Using honourifics to determine rank between ranks, as an example a Brother-Sargent is below a Knight-Sargent. Also, when new initiates, join the order they squire for the highest ranking knights of the nine other companies before returning to the tenth, for their scout service proper.

Deathwatch Service

Whenever possible the Lions of Caliban will send one of their best warriors. However, due to the watches exacting standards and Lion’s prideful nature, few get in. Those who do manage to work with the Deathwatch go far due to their dedication to order once they see their fellow Deathwatch as brothers. Indeed some never leave the service.

Former Knight-Sargent now Lord-Captain Malidictious the Slayer Lord of the Third was one such member. The only known member of the Lion’s to slay two lions, however, he never set out to slay a twin, just a lion to prove his own prowess. Noted for believing one should never rely on the strength of another even their own steed.

Chapter Relics

Dullahan the Thrice Born: Dullahan is a mechanical steed some think dates back to before the great crusade. It bears a twin-linked plasma talon as its claw, and an inexhaustible body. Dullahan has survived three attacks which left his rider barely alive, almost without a scratch. However, each time the rider got back on Dullhan to slay the foul wretch which did the deed. Every time this happened Dullahan was found in some remote part of the battlefield with his master dead next to him clutching at the noble steed.

Chapter Colours

The Power Armour worn by the Lions of Caliban is painted dark green and black, much like that of the Dark Angels themselves. The shoulder plates are dark green with gold trim. The Aquila is coloured gold while Imperialis is coloured bird like tone. The helmet is painted black.

Like their parent Chapter and fellow Unforgiven, Veteran Lions of Caliban and members of the Inner Circle are commonly found wearing hooded cloaks, robes, and tabards naturally; this symbolises their shame over what happened to the Order near the end of the Great Crusade.

The Terminators of the Lions sport an all black colour scheme, calling themselves the absolved.

One of the Chapters most notable traits is its use of Mark II Crusader helms, given the lions an extremely distinctive and somewhat menacing look. This is deliberate as the Crusader helm gives increased protection in melee combat which the chapter is known to frequently be engaged in.



Head conversions are the easiest. There are a lot of Chaos Warrior heads out there I have a massive bag of them I got on eBay some years ago. They have many options and there is almost always some left over. By just cutting off the horns of the helmet they make great mark II Crusader helmets. Another source of helmets is Chaos Space Marine helmets as they are usually older, if they only have horns and no chaos iconography you can just remove the horns. Alternative you can do straight head swaps with some older parts such as Bretonnians knight helms.

Knight blessing.JPG

Another easy swap is taking the lion shoulder pad from Stormcast Eternals and putting that on their shoulder to show them having achieved the rank of knight within the order. A stepping stone towards the inner circle.

Also, because of their knight theme, they often use regular swords and such rather than the marines standard oversized dagger/short sword.

The lions of Caliban have some simple conversion which allows them to show off their chapter iconography with some ease. The White lions box contains various lion iconography which can be used such ‘regal lion’ on the back of bikes where the Ravenwing or flag pole item would be placed.